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Chative 2023 Unveiled Roadmap - Shaping An End-To-End Messaging Solutions For E-Commerce

Discover the upcoming features that will shape your omnichannel messaging experience.


We're excited to share an updated roadmap for the rest of 2023, shaped by the insights and shifts we've encountered this year (ChatGPT trend, partnership potential, growing demand for e-commerce support). We understand that changes can raise questions, but rest assured, our big picture remains constant: empower your business to sell more without the need for additional personnel, thanks to AI and automation.

Here are the key points you need to know:

πŸ’Ž AI Assistant levels up – from customer support to your helpful co-worker. E-commerce-specific capabilities are also coming by October.

πŸ’Ž WhatsApp integration is on track – stay tuned for more.

πŸ’Ž More channels are coming for a comprehensive omnichannel strategy.

Big Update​

πŸš€ We're heading towards becoming a true omnichannel platform​

We're enhancing omnichannel support, streamlining interactions across multiple channels. Imagine this: John reaches out via your website, and when he connects on Facebook, you still know it’s John. This way, you can easily pick the most suitable communication method and create an ongoing conversation.

πŸš€ First e-commerce platform: Shopify integration​

Post-pandemic, online shopping is king. Even in these gloomy economic times, the trend isn’t slowing down anytime soon. Businesses globally are adopting Direct-to-Customer (D2C) model, skipping intermediaries. D2C fuels growth, reducing reliance on giants like Amazon and Shopee while expanding market share.

In sync with this shift, we're prioritizing Shopify integration. You'll manage orders, track customer history, follow up on abandoned carts, and retarget automatically – all within your inbox. Stay connected and thrive.

We eagerly await your valuable feedback (there will certainly be a lot during this phase). Your perspective helps us create a solution that truly resonates with your needs, ensuring our efforts align with your goals.

Join our Discord community and follow us on Twitter to keep updated on every step we do πŸ˜„.