Goodbye 2022, welcome 2023 with Chative.IO version 1.0 BETA 🤩🎇
This is such a big jump from v0.6 to v1.0 as we think we are nearly there. We have a new UI UX design, a new website, a new TEAM plan, new pricing, a new subscription, and a new free trial system. All our existing free users can now enjoy a 30-day trial that is completely free!
So, let’s see what we’ve rolled out!
🚀 What’s new?
✨ New onboarding experience
The UI & UX across the platform have been enhanced dramatically to pave the way for more explosive changes happening later on. And onboarding is the first thing that our awesome front-end master waved their magic wand at. Users can now effortlessly set up Omni-channel live chat right during this section.
🫣 New preview experience
See how it went in the past, we only limited it to a few languages. For now, you can not only preview 108 languages at the same time but also decide how your live chat looks and feels on all your channels.
📔 New Documentation
A comprehensive 50+ pages of documentation to enable faster onboarding and self-help for our new customers!
Every free user now is entitled to a 1-month free trial with Chative.IO (if you have not tried a trial before), or you can still go 7 days without a credit card. We make it super flexible – you can switch back and forth, or cancel, anytime, anywhere. We will remind you!
🎯 New TEAMplan for smaller businesses
The new BUSINESS now is the better BUSINESS plan. As we introduce the new plan called TEAM, all of our BUSINESS users are now enjoying the highest value plan in Chative.IO with the same money that you have paid for.
🎉 Improvements
New themes across the app – new colors for inputs, buttons, backgrounds, and texts that make you stay inspired at work.
Better readability – the fonts that we pick for our app are now standard, and we also take typography more seriously. Because this app is designed for you to use every day and for long hours, we want you to take pleasure while reading information.
Better channel previewing – what you see is what you get. Change on the left will now be reflected on the right-hand side. What’s more? Instead of fragmented elements, we now have a single unified preview mechanism. You can choose and select different angles of your widget.
Multi-language is better supported – auto prefill translated text for 180 languages for Chative.IO widget (this does not support non-chative messenger like FB Messenger, Instagram, Zalo, etc.)
Better Inbox layout – excellent intuitive design helps you focus on what you need.
Improve UX and more friendly error messages when connecting to external 3rd parties software like Messenger, Instagram, and Zalo.
Interactive message for empty content within the app – exercise your full potential to set up an end-to-end live chat solution
Better SAVE/CANCEL UX for form handling – the form will shake to let you know you have to save for any changes.
New billing system – We pay special attention to users’ rights and benefits while enhancing a holistic and transparent billing system.
Users can now manage and update their payment methods within the app in the payment section.
🐞 Bug fixes:
[Inbox] Unstable unread status (sometimes read message still displays as unread).
[Inbox] Unaligned customer avatar.
[Member] Block invite yourself.
[Channel] Unable to connect to Instagram if users have already connected to Facebook Messenger beforehand.
[Channel] Editing the channel name doesn’t work when the save bar appears.
[Email] Disabled email notification for upgrading/downgrading plans.
[Onboarding] Update name team in onboarding.
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🏃 We constantly strive to bring you the best experience at Chative.IO. Stay tuned for more crazy updates with the introduction of smart add-ons and chatbots.