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Overview of customer labels and data types in Chative.IO

This documentation provides an overview of contact categorization and data types in Chative’s customer list.

Get started

There are several terms you need to know before making the most of your social CRM for more sales efficiency.

Customers can be automatically labeled 3 main types of customers as follows:

  • Guest: Visitors who contact you through your messaging channels without providing personal details like name, email, or phone number.
  • Lead: Visitors who engage with your messaging channels and leave their information, such as name, email address, or phone number.
  • Customer: Customers who have specific customer IDs imported to Chative app via API.

This is a sample of social CRM details:

Social CRM

To access the list of all your customers, simply click on the Customers button in the sidebar.

List of customers

Explore how to enable effective segmentation based on pre-defined filters and specific profile criteria here.


Chative.IO CRM can integrate with leading CRMs like Salesforce, ZohoCRM, and HubSpot, enabling smooth data synchronization and unified customer relationship management.