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How to invite new members and manage roles in Chative.IO

Invite new member

You can invite new members and assign them to different roles. Follow these steps to invite new members to your organization:

Step 1: Log in to your organization.

Step 2: On the left sidebar, navigate to the Settings section.

Step 3: Access the Member settings and click on the Invite members button at the top right corner.

Step 4: Enter the email address of your team member.

Step 5: Select the appropriate role for the member.

Step 6: Click the Invite button to send the invitation email to your team member immediately.

Member status

When you invite teammates to join your organization, they can have one of the following statuses:

  • Invited: This status indicates that your teammate hasn't created an account yet. We sent them an email invitation to join your organization. You can resend or revoke the invitation by clicking on the icon.
  • Active: This status indicates that your teammate already has an active account in your organization. You can view their assigned conversations, performance, change their role, or suspend them by selecting the icon.
  • Suspended: This status indicates that the member has been suspended and no longer has access to your organization. By selecting the icon, you can change their role or reactivate their account.