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Create paid, draft, pending orders in Shopify using Chative

Let's dive into understanding the concepts of paid, draft, and pending orders in Shopify, as well as how to create these types of orders using Chative. To begin, ensure you're logged into Chative. If you don't have an account, you can create one here.

What are Paid, Draft, & Pending orders?

Paid orders are those that have been successfully completed with payment. Payment can be made through credit card, offline, or custom methods, or by marking orders as 'paid' manually.

Draft order is a way to create orders on behalf of customers and then send them an invoice. The invoice includes a link to a checkout where your customer can proceed to pay for their order. The draft order will convert into a completed order when customers finish their purchase process.

Pending orders are those where payment capturing has not been completed yet. They might be in this status due to various reasons:

  • Payment providers are processing but need time to complete the payment.
  • Merchants can create orders with Payment due later status and set specific payment terms.
  • Manual payment methods, such as Cash On Delivery, are activated for your store. An order is created using a manual payment method.

If you accept to create the pending order, this will create an order without payment. You will be able to send an invoice and collect payment from the order page.

Create Shopify orders

Create new order

To create a new order, you need to follow these steps below:

Step 1: Go to Shopify orders in the right sidebar of Inbox.

Step 2: Click the + button to create a new order.

Create new order button

Step 3: Fill in the items by searching for products or adding custom items.

Step 4: In the Payment section, you can optionally apply discounts for the entire order, shipping costs, and tax.

Step 5: Input order details like contact information, shipping and billing addresses, and add any notes or tags.

Step 6: Review the order to ensure accuracy. Then, choose the order type to create (Draft, pending, or paid).

A few things to remember:

  • When you create a draft order, the Shopify invoice will be automatically sent to your customer. The invoice contains a checkout link for your customer to pay for their order.
  • Once a draft order is paid or when you set payment terms, it becomes a regular order listed in your Orders tab.
  • Pending orders are made without payment, with the payment term set as Due on receipt.
  • If you've received payment outside of Shopify, proceed to create the order as paid.

All orders created in Chative will sync automatically to your Shopify admin.

And you’re done. The newly created order will now appear in the Orders section underneath the Shopify customer information within the conversation.


During the order creation process, you can optionally add discounts, shipping costs, or remove taxes as needed.

Apply a discount to an item

Apply a discount to an item

To apply a discount to a specific item when creating an order, follow these steps:

Step 1: In the Create order popup, under the Products section locate the item to discount. Click Add discount next to the item.

Step 2: Set the discount amount as either:

  • A specific amount of money
  • A percentage of the listed price

Step 3: Enter a reason for the discount in the Reason for discount text box (Optional)

Step 4: Click Add to apply the discount to the item's cost.

The discounted amount will be reflected in the total order cost. Please make sure to review the accuracy of the order after adding any discounts.

Apply a discount to the entire order

Apply a discount to the entire order

Step 1: In the Create order popup, navigate to the Payment section and find the Discount area. Click the button.

Step 2: Set the discount amount as either:

  • A specific amount of money
  • A percentage of the listed price

Step 3: Enter a reason for the discount in the Reason for discount text box (Optional)

Step 4: Click Add to apply the discount.

This action will reduce the total order cost by the specified discount amount. Please review the final order details to confirm the accurate discounted total.

Add shipping cost

Add shipping cost

Follow these steps to add shipping when creating an order:

Step 1: In the Create order popup, go to the Payment section and click the  button next to Shipping.

Step 2: Provide a custom name for the shipping method and set the shipping cost. Make sure to check published rates if integrating with a carrier.

Step 3: Click Add to add the shipping cost to the order.

This will populate the shipping details and add the shipping cost to the total order amount for checkout. Please review the order details after adding shipping to confirm the accuracy of the final order total.

Add or remove taxes

Add or remove taxes

By default, orders apply taxes according to your Shopify store settings and the customer's shipping address. If there's no shipping address, taxes will default to the billing address.

To customize taxes when creating an order:

Step 1: In the "Create order" popup, go to the Payment section and click the  button next to Tax.

Step 2: Select or deselect the Charge taxes to enable or disable taxes for this order.

Step 3: Click Apply for the changes to take effect.

After adjusting taxes, always double-check the final order total to ensure the correct taxes are applied.